B2B telemarketing in Thailand for business development

Telemarketing & Telesales

What is B2B telemarketing good for

In B2B business development, a large part of the game is about understanding the prospect business needs and see if they fit to what your company can provide: the qualification. Because it is hard to assume a person’s intention by looking at their company’s website (if it exists), the fastest way to qualify a prospect is still to pass them a phone call.

It can be surprising to US or Europe companies, but when it comes to doing business in Southeast Asia, phone is king. Whether it’s a message on LINE, on Whatsapp or a direct phone call. The fastest trusted way to get answer is simply to reach out to your prospect in a polite manner through their phone.

As a B2B Marketing tool, a well executed telemarketing campaign can do wonder and convert a pipeline of a hundred leads into dozens of warm prospects and customer meetings scheduled for your team.

As always in Southeast Asia, language and cultural affinities are key when interacting with prospects. Some countries may prefer to be called directly, other contacted first on their messaging app. Finally, patience is key, people are rarely able to talk on the first attempt, diligent follow up is key to the success.

Reachlane will help you design your telemarketing campaign, set up the process and monitoring tools to follow its progress. We recommend such campaigns to be done in coordination with a marketing automation campaigns for best results.

Depending on the maturity and size of your sales team, the actual calling can be delegated to your teams or executed by Reachlane directly, after a training session with one or your Sales representatives.

A polite phone call remains the fastest way to get clear answers

Type 1.
Cold outreach or cold leads

Good for:

  • Qualifying that the company still exists or is operating in a particular business.
  • Getting to the right person in the organization.
  • Offer to send information by email.
  • Invite to an event or free opportunity.

Type 2.
Warm lead qualification

Good for:

  • Validating the step of maturity of the lead (budgeting stage, type of technical solution, scale of the project, etc.)
  • Schedule an introduction meeting, or a technical meeting with a sales person.
  • Invite to a trade show event, webinar or conference.

Type 3.
Actual customers upsell or cross-sell

Good for:

  • Update customer about a new complimentary product offering: Customer Service or Digital product offering.
  • Update customer about a new range of similar product offering.
  • Invite customer to a VIP event for selected customers and get an RSVP.